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Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation Projects and Maintenance. Divisions: Mechanical Division, Electricity and Instrumentation Division, Boiler Division, Machining Division, Division
In Situ Machining, Valves Division, Tanks Division, Maintenance Division, Production Division
Manufacturing, PCI (Fire Protection) Division, Drones & Rovs Division, Division Rotating, Mirage & Bolting Division, Naval Division, Heat Treatments Division.
MEISA(Proyectos y Mantenimientos de Instrumentación y Electricidad, S.A.) was established in 1998, complementary company to MAVISA (1986-2005).
In January 2011, it expanded its service in Mechanical activities, so currently the name The complete scope of the company is Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation Projects and Maintenance, S.A.
The prestige achieved by MEISA in these years is the result of the high quality of its work and the unwavering commitment to customers.
Priority strategic objective: rigorous compliance with environmental and safety regulations in the execution of the work, obtaining AENOR certification for the performance of its activities.
The qualification and specialization of our staff, in a permanent process of adaptation and training in new technologies, backed by sufficient support in material resources, through of machinery and own workshops, allow MEISA to offer a high quality service and level of excellence.
The company is a leader in the industrial services sector, with high prestige and recognition. Meisa It has clients such as Repsol, Cepsa, Dow, ASESA, BP, Endesa and Iberdrola.
-Quality Management System Certificate based on ISO 9001: 2015 AENOR ER- Seal
-Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificate ISO 45001: 2018 AENOR SST Seal
-Environmental Management System Certificate according to ISO 14001: 2015 AENOR Seal GA-2013/0100, GA-
-Certificate of conformity of factory production control / LGAI Technological Center, S.A.
(APPLUS) – 370-CPR-2142
-UNE-EN ISO 3834-2:2022 Quality Requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials.
-Complete quality requirements (ISO3834-2:2021)
-Fire Protection Certifications issued by CEPREVEN: Automatic Water Extinguishment:
RE Sprinklers, Automatic Water Extinguishing: Foam, Automatic Water Extinguishing: Water Spray, Automatic Gas Extinguishment: CO2 High Pressure, Automatic Gas Extinguishment: Inert and Chemicals, Automatic Fire Detection.
-Among other certifications. Consult if you want more information.